If you are going to fly from Japan to Denpasar Bali,find the best rate of it.
The Indonesian citizen in Japan numbering around 25,000 people,consist of students,trainees and the public's community.
Usually,they came home to Indonesia at the time of the holiday season.Of course,they used the aircraft.His route was from Tokyo/Osaka&Nagoya-DENPASAR,BALI.
But unfortunately,most of the they did not know WHERE&HOW THE METHODE GOT THE CHEAP AIRCRAFT TICKET. Because of that, the aircraft's agents must put the advertisement in the exact site.
This was very important, in order to the prospective passengers,both the Indonesian citizen and foreign tourists,knew and chose to fly by the aircraft.BALI IS A VERY VERY BEAUTIFUL PLACE.SO WHY DO NOT YOU GO THERE RIGHT KNOW?